Are Air Fryers Actually Healthier?

Air fryers have surged in popularity in recent years and a big factor behind that is because they’re promoted as a healthy alternative to other cooking methods. So, why is this?
Less Oil Means Less Calories
Oil is an ingredient that all of us use when cooking, and it can drastically increase the calorie content of a meal. Take olive oil for example, just one tablespoon rakes in 119 calories. Air frying your food uses a fraction of oil in comparison to cooking food in a pan, which will decrease what could otherwise become a high-calorie meal.
Lower Fat Content
Since air fryers use little to no oil, they can significantly reduce the overall fat content of your food. This is perfect for those looking to reduce their fat intake, more specifically saturated fats, which are linked to various health issues when consumed in excess.
Less Nutrients Lost
Air fryers cook your food by circulating hot air around it, much like your standard oven. This method helps to cook your food evenly and quickly which will preserve more nutrients compared to other cooking methods that require longer cooking times or higher temperatures. If you’re cooking a healthy meal, the last thing you want is for the nutrients to be sucked out, so in terms of preserving nutrients, air fryers take the cake. Speaking of cake.. you can also bake with an air fryer!
The Verdict
It all depends on what you cook! Although there’s little to no oil used in an air fryer, it still comes down to the type of foods choose to cook. They typically are a healthy alternative cooking methods for a lot of meals, but not all meals. They are, however, cheaper, easier and quicker to use than your standard oven, which makes them perfect for meal prep!