Benefits Of A Food Diary
•Weight loss

We are big advocates for keeping a food diary while trying to lose weight, and we’re going off more than just our opinion. Studies have shown that people who track what they eat are twice as likely to lose weight than those who don’t!
Keeping a food diary doesn’t require a lot of effort anymore. Gone are the days of needing to scan the nutritional information at the supermarket or google the amount of calories that are in unlabelled foods like fruit and veggies because there are so many apps that can do it for you! Check out our recommendations here.
Smarter Food Choices
If you’re logging everything you consume in a day, you’ll get a clearer picture of what you need to remove from your diet, which can also help you avoid a weight loss plateau! A lot of us focus on our larger meals of the day, but beverages and snacks are often the biggest contributors of weight gain.
There are also far too many snacks out there that we’re convinced are diet-friendly when they’re actually bad! As for beverages like soft drink, their calories stack up pretty quickly — one 600mL bottle of Coca Cola is 258 calories and contains 64g of sugar! Consuming empty calories like this leaves little room for larger meals if you want to stay in your caloric deficit.
When you track what you eat, you will start thinking twice about indulging in treats! Cheat meals are allowed, and they can actually benefit your weight loss, but knowing how many calories you need to eat in a day to stick to your goal will prevent you from mindless eating.
Although it is ideal to have an accountability buddy like a friend or partner, you can lose weight alone and keeping a food diary is a big help!
A food diary is one of the best ways to keep your progress going. Recognising your eating patterns will help you to create healthy habits that stick.