Crazy diets impacting your weight loss goals
•Weight loss

We have all been there juggling work, families and chores that we let our self-care slip, maybe gaining some extra weight in the process. We then search far and wide for the quickest way to lose weight no matter how crazy they seem, we just want to shed those extra kilograms quickly. Yet, instead of seeing the results we dream of and were told we would achieve from these fad diets, we end up further away from our weight loss goals.
Weight loss goals aren’t unachievable but if you allow for the spiralling Google search of “The best diet to lose fat fast”, you will come across some crazy, unhealthy and unsustainable diets that will make it harder to lose weight in a manageable and safe way.
We spoke to our Nutritionist and The Lady Shake Community Ambassador, Georgia Wendt about just how far people will go to try a new diet just because it’s trending on TikTok, but warns they’re unsafe and extremely unhealthy in the long run.
“As a nutritionist, I hear about crazy diets very regularly, here are a few examples of some of the craziest diet trends that have popped up recently:
Don’t let these cray-cray diets into your weight loss journey
- Breatharianism: promotes the belief that individuals can live solely on air and sunlight, without the need for food or water.
- Tapeworm Diet: intentionally ingesting a tapeworm in the belief that it will consume the food you eat.
- Cotton Ball Diet: soaking cotton balls in juice or smoothies and consuming them to create a feeling of fullness.
- Baby Food Diet: replacing regular meals with jars of baby food. Advocates claim that it helps with portion control and weight loss.
- Raw Food Diet: promotes consuming only uncooked and unprocessed foods. While this diet can include healthy fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, it can be challenging to meet all nutritional requirements.
“My biggest concerns with these diet trends or restrictive diets is that they are unsustainable as well as incredibly dangerous and they don’t teach you new healthy habits that you can maintain long-term and thus create the yoyo effect,” said Georgia.
“More importantly, who would want to be so restrictive when there is an abundance of delicious food and year-round sunshine (well in most parts of Australia) to get our bodies moving?”
So next time you see your thumb hovering over a TikTok diet you want to try why not scrap that and try my five top tips to stay on track with your diet goals – because believe me you’re already a step ahead of those that are on the baby food diet,” concluded Georgia.
5 tips to stay on track this winter for busy lady shakers
- Sip on water, ensuring your intake is 2 litres a day will aid in controlling hunger.
- Consume protein such as lean meats, fish and Greek yoghurt to maintain muscle mass and burn more calories when resting.
- Replace breaky and lunch with The Lady Shake for a fast weight loss plan.
- Go for a walk with the kids after work, not only is it a good way to wind down and get that heart rate up, but it also results in quality time with the family.
- Slow down at dinner time, we are all guilty of racing through our day to get everything achieved which flows into the evening and results in eating too quickly. If you slow down at dinner time and interact with your family, you will give your stomach time to register you are full without overeating.