How Your Appetite Affects Beauty Purchases

One trend that’s on the rise is “food-based beauty”. This includes skincare, makeup and haircare products that have been dubbed as "hair food" or "skin nutrition". They are typically infused with ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, honey or any other healthy, organic foods.
Why are these products so popular? It might just be a play on our appetite!
The Science
Just like pretty packaging can entice us to purchase certain products, beauty products containing food ingredients or being marketed as “food” for your hair and skin subconsciously triggers a primal instinct in us – we need to eat and drink every day, so why wouldn’t we want to “feed” our skin and hair?
Having food-infused products regardless of the labelling also entices us to purchase them because we can recognise the ingredients!
How It Changes The Usage
When we see beauty products labelled with words like “food”, “drink” or “nutrition” it not only entices us to buy it based on the claims, but it’ll keep us coming back. If there’s an implication that we need to feed our hair and skin, we’re persuaded that it should be consistent, just like a nutrient-dense diet for overall health.
These kinds of words make us think about sustenance, and if our body needs it every day to survive, we can be persuaded that our hair and skin do too.
Personal Preferences Matter Too
Your personal taste and scent preferences can also influence your decision. You’ve got the choice of endless flavours and scents in beauty products and if you’re a coffee fan, why wouldn’t you want to buy a latte-infused hair mask, face cream or serum?
If you’re on a health kick, products containing nutrient-dense foods like avocado or leafy green veggies may just appeal to you even more.
The Bottom Line
Think carefully about product usage, it’s easy enough to be caught up in trends and be convinced by clever marketing tactics. That’s not to say don’t purchase these products! But have a think about how necessary it really is to use them constantly.
Skincare and haircare is still a form of self-care, but it’s easy to go overboard!