How Cheat Meals Boost Weight Loss
•Weight loss

Wait.. what? How is that even possible? Well, this can and will work but only if you’re putting in the effort throughout the rest of the week by maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and exercise routine.
Be warned! We’re not saying a cheat day, just a cheat meal. Contrary to popular belief, one cheat meal a week can help promote weight loss because it regulates your metabolism. That means it can also help you to overcome weight loss plateaus.
Don’t Overindulge
We’re not telling you to pick the most high-calorie unhealthy meal in the world like jumbo fries and a tub of ice cream. We mean meals that are still (at least a little bit) nutritionally balanced but typically a no-go for dieters. Some examples are cheeseburgers or pizza and pasta with at least one protein source.
While these meals are no doubt higher in calories, they’re still high in protein and carbs which will leave you feeling full.
Plan Your Cheat Meals
Meal planning is a useful tool when dieting, and planning a cheat meal will probably be the most exciting dish to plan! Schedule one meal time each week for you to enjoy a cheat meal, this will help you stop it from becoming a cheat day too. Make sure you’ve had a good week food-wise to ensure the cheat meal is actually effective.
Cook Your Own Cheat Meals
You’re still human, sometimes cheat meals turn into cheat days because they just taste so good! So, if you’re someone who struggles with just one cheat meal a week, try cooking your own. There are plenty of ways to make delicious meals without all the extra salt, sugar and butter that restaurants add!
Exercise Before
Exercising at any point during the day before enjoying your cheat meal is ideal for minimising fat gains. You’ll feel better about sitting down to a cheat meal when you know you’ve really earned it.
Don’t be too hard on yourself, keep in mind that weight loss often requires a little bit of trial and error! But you don’t have to completely deprive yourself of your favourite meals in order to keep your weight loss progress on track.