How To Avoid Sugar Withdrawals
•Health hacks

Cutting down on sugar is a great idea for when you start your weight loss journey, but it’s bound to lower your blood sugar levels, and your brain mightn’t react so kindly. Sugar is one of the most addictive substances and one of the easiest energy sources for your brain to latch on to, but we’ve got you, ladies!
Why Is It So Addictive?
Sugar is a notoriously hard craving to beat and that’s because it hits our brains right in the sweet spot! When we eat sugar, the brain releases dopamine — the happy hormone — which is associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. That surge of dopamine we get makes us feel great so our brain will want to do it again!
If we were to quit sugar cold turkey we might experience withdrawal symptoms such as intense sugar cravings, headaches, fatigue and irritability.
Sugar really is nature’s drug!
Can You Avoid Withdrawals?
Since it’s an addiction, it’s going to take some strategy, but sugar withdrawals can be avoided with these steps — all of which support your weight loss journey!
1. Gradual Reduction: Instead of going cold turkey, gradually reduce your sugar intake over time. This way your body will have a smoother adjustment to your new and improved sugar levels.
2. Hydration: Keep those fluids up! Drink plenty of water throughout the day because staying well-hydrated will help with the headaches.
3. Balanced Meals: Eat a balanced diet. Combining protein, healthy fats, fibre, and complex carbs, will help to stabilise blood sugar levels, preventing spikes and crashes.
4. Healthy Snacking: Replace sugary snacks with healthy snacks such as nuts and fruits to satisfy cravings and prevent you from reaching for the sweet stuff.
Sugar addiction is real, and the withdrawal symptoms are not nice, but they can be avoided. Like anything else in weight loss, it just takes time.