Importance Of Staying Social In Your Older Age

Humans are social creatures; we’re practically wired to seek out companionship and it’s crucial for our general wellbeing! In our older age, staying social holds even greater significance. So, for the older ladies it’s even more important to stay connected with friends and family.
Cognitive Function
Your brain wants you to stay connected! Staying social in your older age is essential for preserving cognitive function. Engaging in conversation alone stimulates the brain and promotes cognitive resilience. Studies have shown that social isolation and loneliness are associated with poor cognition in ageing.
Stress Reduction
When you have someone by your side, whether it be a friend, partner or family member, you’ve got support! Even regularly speaking to someone on the phone can be beneficial for your wellbeing, and if you’re struggling with something in life, support is bound to alleviate some of that stress for you.
Improved Quality Of Life
Being socially active can enhance your overall quality of life! You’ve probably heard the term ‘laughter is the best medicine’ and it’s true! Laughing triggers the release of endorphins in your brain to make you feel good. There’s no better feeling than a laughing fit with friends!
Sense Of Purpose
What’s life without someone to share it with? Social interactions can give you a sense of purpose and belonging. Interacting with different people can also be a learning experience, which is great to keep your brain stimulated!
Staying social in older age is necessary to keep a happy, healthy you. Cherish and nurture the connections you have, recognise how they enrich your life and appreciate that they’ll sustain you through the journey of ageing!