Is Your Food Environment Affecting Your Weight Loss?
•Weight loss

Changing our eating habits to start a weight loss journey can be difficult, and one underlying factor is our food environment. A food environment is described as our surroundings, opportunities and conditions that influence our food choices.
Unhealthy Food Environment
An unhealthy food environment is defined as a space where poor eating decisions like overeating or eating unhealthy food is facilitated – unfortunately with so many fast-food restaurants in Australia, and junk food in supermarkets, practically every time we leave the house we’re thrown into an unhealthy food environment.
We mightn’t notice, but being surrounded by bad foods can influence our decisions on what to eat, and when we’re out in public, it’s inescapable.
Your household could also be considered an unhealthy food environment! Our at-home food environment is important. Here’s an example of an unhealthy food environment at home, if your pantry is stocked to the brim with these kinds of foods:
Unhealthy Snacks: Chips, crackers, lollies, chocolate
Unhealthy Condiments: Barbecue sauce, ranch dressing, margarine, maple syrup
Sugary Drinks: Soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks
Bad Fats: Whole milk, butter, cream, and baked goods
Essentially if it’s there, we’re more inclined to eat it.
Sometimes we think we're eating the right foods when we're not, so check out our blog on snacks you think are healthy but really aren't.
Healthy Food Environment
We can’t change wider food environments like restaurants, supermarkets and corner stores, but we can change what we keep in our pantry!
Healthy Snacks: Fruit, vegetables, Greek yoghurt, wholegrain crackers, nuts and seeds
Healthy Condiments: Avocado, raw honey, hummus, balsamic vinegar, pesto
No-Sugar Drinks: Water, herbal teas, black coffee
Good Fats: Dark chocolate, eggs, popcorn, tofu
If you surround yourself with healthy foods, practice eating mindfully – including combatting boredom eating – you’ll be more inclined to eat better.
Temptation can be brutal, but understanding your cravings might help!
The Bottom Line
Not everyone is affected by their food environment the same way. This is due to genetics, hormones and even psychological characteristics like our decision-making process or personality traits.
You should be ridding your cupboards of unhealthy foods if you’re on a weight loss journey. Too much temptation can lead to overeating – keeping a food diary can help with this. As for when you're out and about, aim to make healthy choices at restaurants and don't shop when hungry!