Lifestyle Changes To Boost Fertility

If you’re struggling to conceive – and have been checked for any underlying conditions that could contribute to this – there might just be some lifestyle changes you can adopt that might can boost your chances of falling pregnant.
It’s important to note that even the healthiest of women can take up to a year to fall pregnant, it can be a long process!
Dietary Changes
Diet plays a large role on the state of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, so it makes sense that it could help with fertility. There are some foods to prioritise, and some to limit.
Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods: Antioxidants have been said to help prevent free radicals from damaging parts of your body – this includes your precious eggs! To increase your antioxidant intake, add more fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and nuts and seeds to your diet.
Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Healthy fats are necessary for overall health and may be beneficial in boosting fertility. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna, chia seeds, flaxseeds and walnuts.
Limit Refined Carbs: The type of carbs you eat matter more than the amount! You shouldn’t run from carbs but minimise the ‘bad’ kinds. Refined carbs are found in sugary food and drinks, and processed grains. Try limiting your intake of foods such as white bread, white rice, traditional pasta, baked goods and soft drinks.
Eat More Fibre: A 2020 study saw that a high-fibre, lower in added sugar diet may boost fertility in women. Aim to incorporate more fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and lentils and beans.
Manage Stress Levels
Trying for a baby is stressful in itself, and stress might just affect your chances of falling pregnant (and losing weight).
Being too stressed takes a toll on your mental health and it causes hormonal fluctuations that can worsen your mood – there hasn’t been enough evidence to prove it directly affects fertility, but we know it affects our periods, so it makes sense it could interfere with your chances of falling pregnant.
Practicing mindfulness and self-care can help with stress, and you might just benefit from adopting slow mornings into your daily routine.
The Bottom Line
Certain lifestyle changes could help boost your fertility! If you’re trying to conceive (and have been told by your healthcare provider there are no underlying health conditions that would be interfering with conception), you might benefit from adopting some of these changes.