Losing Weight After Menopause
•Weight loss

If you’ve reached the end of your menopausal journey, the worst is over (hopefully), but you may have noticed some weight gain. There are a few factors that contribute to this, and it can be just as hard to shed the fat post-menopause as it can during!
Weight loss is harder during and after menopause, and it continues to be a challenge as you age. So, if you’re post-menopausal and having trouble with weight loss, we’ve got an explanation and some tips.
Why Is It Harder?
Hormones and age! Our hormones aren’t fluctuating as much post-menopause but we’re continuing to lose muscle mass, and our metabolism is slowing down. If you’ve gained weight during menopause, you may have noticed an increased waistline – welcome to the world of the “middle-aged spread”.
Fat tends to accumulate around the abdomen during and after menopause due to the decline of estrogen. Not only is this annoying, but it can also pose a few health risks like breathing issues and heart disease because if there’s too much fat, rather than protecting your organs, it could strangle them!
What Can I Do?
Forget fad diets. Your body needs proper nutrition, regular physical activity, adequate hydration and a consistent sleep schedule.
Diet: Eat plenty of wholegrains, fruits, vegetables and up your protein. You need more of it as you age, and you need it to lose weight!
Micronutrients: Focus on getting enough micronutrients, especially calcium, vitamin D and magnesium – women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis than men, especially during and after menopause. Check out our ultimate guide for micronutrients, nutrients you need more of as you age, and how to spot a deficiency!
Exercise: If you haven’t already, get into strength training. Don’t be afraid of lifting weights, it’s harder to bulk up than you might think. Stretching and low-impact exercises like walking are beneficial too – explore different activities to see what suits you. Stretching will help with maintaining your mobility as you get older too.
Regular Health Checkups: If the weight just won’t budge, see a doctor – which you should be doing anyway! There’s a chance of developing high cholesterol during menopause too, so speak to your doctor to identify any underlying medical conditions.
P.S. If you’re still experiencing menopausal symptoms after menopause, try adding some of these foods into your diet.
The Bottom Line
The main reason it’s harder to lose weight after menopause is because you’re ageing! We can’t stop that, but you can implement some of these strategies to shed the fat without losing more muscle mass. Check out our guide on a good night’s sleep too because as it turns out, adequate sleep is needed for weight loss!