Say It, Then Slay It: Self-care Is Not Selfish

You’ve got kids, grandkids, a fur baby, or just hello; you don’t have time, then you’ve come to the right place. Self-care is not selfish. And getting better at it, will help you get better at achieving your weight-loss goals.
But hey, you already know what to do, that’s not the problem. It’s looking at what’s getting in the way of becoming a self-care slayer.
4 ways to shake off what’s stopping you
Reason #1: “I don’t have the time?”
We say: Do you have five minutes?
That’s right, self-care isn’t exclusively hot yoga sessions and bubble baths. Start off small. Carve out a little pocket of time to do something for you: Enjoy your Lady Shake in the sun, dance in the kitchen to your favourite tune or slip away for a five-minute power nap.
Reason #2: “I’ve just got to…”
We say: It’ll all get done, just in a different order
As women we’re pretty good at putting ourselves last on the to-do list. But what happens if we moved me-time to somewhere in the middle? Believe it or not, the things you need to do will still get done because in finding the time for you, you’ll find you have more energy.
Reason #3: “I don’t know how to relax?!?”
We say: What fills you up?
What brings you joy? Even if it’s reality TV, we’re not judging! What are you craving or missing right now? An uninterrupted chapter of a book, perhaps. What does your body need? A massage or a long stretch. Ask these questions, to get you started.
Reason #4: “I’d feel too guilty”
We say: Everybody wants you to!
If you won’t give yourself permission to take time out, then get those around you to be your support crew. Tell them your plan and watch them help you make it happen. Because they know you deserve it!
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