Snack Right & Your Waistline Will Be Tight

What does it mean to snack right? It is proven that eating smaller meals helps burn fat. But when it comes to snacking there are so many different foods to choose from where to start? Ideally, a snack should have approximately 150 calories and less than approx. 5g of sugar. To work it out simply just turn over the back and look at the nutrition panel and calories and sugar is on the "per serve" section.

Here's a list of my favorite snacks that will help you at morning and afternoon teatime to make great choices and stay healthy!

Here's a list of my favorite snacks that will help you at morning and afternoon teatime to make great choices and stay healthy!
- 1 natural greek yoghurt (make sure you check the sugar as this can vary greatly between different brands)
- 25g (approx. 4 squares) dark chocolate
- 1 of our Lady Bars
- 1 small handful of unsalted nuts - best nuts include walnuts, cashews, macadamias, and almonds
- A piece of fruit
- 165g (3/4 can baked beans)
- 1 small tin of tuna
- 2 rice cakes with tomato or 1/4 avocado
- Small fruit salad with tablespoon yoghurt
- 1 nut bar (check calories and sugar)
- Carrot and celery sticks with hummus or low fat cottage cheese
- Punnet of strawberries with a tablespoon of natural yoghurt.