Staying Healthy, at home with Luisa

One of our amazing Lady Shake Ambassador Luisa, who has lost a phenomenal 20 kgs, shares how she is staying on track while at home.

How are you staying motivated?
The current health crisis has made me so grateful that I took control of my lifestyle this time last year and started Lady Shake. Boosting my immunity and staying healthy has motivated me even more than usual to keep on track with my lifestyle and fill my days with movement and good nutrition.
Through my work as a radiographer I see first hand how lifestyle choices can influence health and how important it is to reduce your risk factors where possible. I know in the past the current restrictions would have been a great excuse for me to spend too much time on the couch and eat junk food but my mindset has totally changed since starting the on the Lady Shake.
How are you keeping a routine?
Planning out our weekly shop so that we have healthy meals and plenty of good snack options is key to keeping our routine. We prep meals on the weekend for busy workdays and plan our next days snacks/lunches and have them prepared or packed where possible the night before.
I am lucky to have plenty of options for exercise at our home and take advantage of our home gym and backyard with the kids to keep active everyday as well as getting out for a walk or run.
Are you doing any home workouts?
At the moment I am doing the Shake and Move Challenge which I love because it always brings out my competitive side to beat my past results. Challenges were a big part of my success in the weight I lost in the last year and I love the accountability of logging in and tracking progress each day.
I am lucky to have a home gym setup that I use in conjunction to getting out for a walk or run and I love to try different online workouts when I am not taking part in a challenge. Jumping on the trampoline with the kids or chasing them around the backyard also keep me moving at home.

What does your at home eating look like?
I still have at least one shake everyday and love the bars for an afternoon snack, I have also started using the super greens lately to really boost my shake. A typical day for me is:
Breakfast: porridge made with a scoop of shake and almond milk, weetbix and berries or a shake on weekdays. Weekends we make either the shake pancakes or poached eggs on toast.
Morning Snack: one of the following options - handful of mixed nuts, vitaweat with peanut butter or cheese, yopro yoghurt or an apple
Lunch: Generally a shake most days especially if I am at work. Sunday lunch is generally treat meal.
Afternoon Snack: lady bar, protein muffin or lady shake brownie or similar
Dinner: One of the recipes from the challenge or website or other good protein source with plenty of veggies
Late snack: I don't always eat after dinner but if I do it will generally be a couple of squares of dark chocolate
Any tips & tricks?
- Drink plenty of water
- Avoid added sugar as much as possible
- Keep your house stocked with the right options
- Make sure to eat your snacks to keep your metabolism ticking over and stop you going into meals too hungry
- Move as much as possible and fit in a workout everyday, even if it is only 10 minutes
- Find exercise that you enjoy and don't be afraid to try something different
- Learn how to read a nutritional label when buying packaged foods
- Don't skip your cheat meal, it has real benefits in keeping you on track
- Rely more on measurements, how your clothes feel and your energy levels rather than the scales.