Steve and Rose Jacobs Health & Fitness Regime

STEVE and Rose Jacobs are the perfect team in life and things are no different in the way they approach their health and fitness.
“We do boxing and hit the gym together and always have a good time sweating it out together,” Rose said.
And Rose's advice for anyone looking to get fit is simple: “Grab your partner or a friend and do it as a team.
“Motivate each other. It's like giving anything a go for the first time; if you can do it together, it's half as hard and twice as rewarding.”
The past 12 months have been huge for Steve who, on turning 50, dropped 8kg and finished up as the Today show weatherman after 12 years.
While he's sad to leave the show after 12 years, Steve is excited to be able to spend more time with his two beautiful daughters Isabella, 5, and Francesca, 3.And he certainly won't miss the early starts.
“I found the early mornings hard,” Steve said. “I'd be up at around 4 o'clock every day, which isn't great for your lifestyle.”So what helped Steve become Today's longest-running weather presenter?
“I couldn't have done it without Rose,” he said.
“We help each other. We train together and try to eat well. We've really learned how important healthy eating is recently. With young children, it's very important that they see we're eating good, healthy food.
“They'll grab themselves a carrot and they love eating broccoli. We call them trees, so they'll have a little bit of trees at night. If you introduce kids to this sort of food, that's what they know and what they eat.”
Gut instinct
ANOTHER dietary turning point for Rose and Steve was learning about the importance of gut health.
“Once I realised that your gut bacteria impacts on your entire body in every way we gave it a go,” Rose said.“A lot of people think they have an intolerance to certain foods but in fact, they've just got a gut imbalance and once you can get that balance right everything starts to improve.”
Steve said: “We get plenty of probiotics from kefir yoghurt and eat healthy food, and I feel so much better – more alive and more awake.”
STEVE'S number one tip for early risers is to think ahead. “Because I had to get up very early for so long, we always pre-prepare breakfast the night before,” he said.
The Jacobs family breakfast is full of healthy protein, fibre, good fats, and probiotics, and it couldn't be easier.Rose mixes white chia seeds with water and probiotic coconut kefir yoghurt and spoons the mixture into the base of a cup or glass. Then she layers nuts, pitted prunes, almond meal or LSA, and shredded coconut on top. Too easy!
ROSE'S advice for anyone looking to get fit is simple. “Grab your partner or a friend and do it as a team. Motivate each other. It's like giving anything a go for the first time – if you can do it together, it's half as hard and twice as rewarding,” she said.
Rose and Steve train together every chance they get and especially love pushing each other. “ We do boxing and hit the gym together and always have a good time sweating it out together “.