Understanding Pregnancy Cravings

If you’re a mum or you’re currently pregnant, then you’ve likely noticed a change in appetite, more specifically – you’re getting cravings! There are a few reasons behind why we get cravings during pregnancy, so let’s dive in.
Hormonal Changes
You probably guessed this would be on the list! When we’re pregnant, our hormones fluctuate, particularly estrogen and progesterone. These fluctuations can actually affect taste and smell perceptions! This means it can heighten our sensitivity to certain flavours or smells, leading to changes in taste preferences and food cravings.
Nutrient Needs
This one is interesting – sometimes a food craving can be your body’s way of signalling a need for certain nutrients. For example, if you find yourself craving dairy products, your body might be trying to tell you to eat more calcium. If you’re craving sugar, your body might be calling out for magnesium or various B vitamins.
Even when we're not pregnant, our bodies have a way of telling us when we're lacking in nutrients — check out this list of signs to learn more.
Emotional & Psychological Factors
Pregnancy is a time of significant emotional and psychological changes, and cravings could be linked to stress, anxiety, or mood swings. Your body is in a state of this constant hormonal dance! This can lead to emotional eating where you reach for comfort foods.
We've got some great tips on how to naturally soothe stress here. And remember it's important to have a self-care routine!
Morning Sickness
For some women, cravings could be influenced by morning sickness or nausea. Certain foods may provide relief from nausea symptoms, and our bodies will recognise this before ours minds do! This can vary from woman to woman and even from one pregnancy to another.
We can’t help the way we feel especially when we’re growing a new life inside of us! It’s okay to indulge in cravings from time to time. You have to nurture your body even more than usual when you’re pregnant, so go easy on yourself! Cravings are a normal part of the experience.