Why Does Weight Fluctuate?
•Weight loss

So, you’ve been putting in the hard yards and have been seeing results, but all of a sudden the number on the scale has increased? Do not panic, this is weight fluctuation, and every person, no matter if they’re on a weight loss journey, will experience it.
Seeing the number rise can be upsetting, so it’s important to understand what’s going on to alleviate some of the frustration!
Water Retention
One of the biggest reasons behind weight fluctuation is water retention, this is what we know as water weight. High-sodium foods can cause temporary water retention. You can read more in-depth about water weight and how to lose it here.
Hormonal Changes
We ladies go through the wringer when it comes to experiencing unbalanced hormones! Menstrual cycles and menopause can impact your metabolism, which will in turn cause you to gain some of that pesky water weight.
Digestive Process
There’s a reason why it's recommended to weigh yourself on an empty stomach. Weighing yourself before your body has had time to properly digest your meal won’t give you an accurate number. Your bowel movements also factor in here! Think about it.. your poop has some weight to it, so let your body process, absorb and excrete before you hit the scales.
How Much Is Normal?
Weight fluctuations typically look like an additional 0.5-1kg on the scale within a short time frame such as a few days or a week. We don’t recommend weighing yourself every day and that’s partly to do with the fact that weight fluctuates. Don’t be disheartened that you’ve jumped up a kilo. For all you know, your body is holding onto some extra water that can and will go away.