Why Your Gut Is Your Second Brain

The gut is often referred to as the “second” brain, and this is because the gut actually has its own little brain! This is what’s called the enteric nervous system (ENS), which contains millions of nerve cells. This “second brain” talks to your big brain through a special pathway called the gut-brain axis.
Gut-Brain Axis
Think of your gut brain as a mini version of the one in your head! It helps control digestion but also sends messages to your big brain about how you feel. When you’re nervous, stressed or anxious, you feel it in your gut. So, just like your main brain, your gut plays a crucial role in how you cope with everyday life!
Ever had butterflies in your stomach? Got a gut feeling about something? This is your gut brain alerting your big brain that you’re feeling something!
Why Is Gut Health Important?
Without a healthy gut, your body can’t digest food properly, meaning it won’t be able to absorb the nutrients and use them for energy the way it should. When your gut is happy and balanced, it absorbs nutrients well, which keeps your metabolism in working order. A happy gut also means less tummy troubles like bloating and constipation.
In terms of overall health, your gut is your immune system’s best friend. When your gut is happy and healthy, it helps keep your immune system strong by fighting off harmful germs and bacteria. Your gut contains good bacteria which protects you from getting sick and helps you recover faster from infections and illnesses.
What Has It Got To Do With Weight Loss?
When you have a healthy gut, your body can absorb all the good stuff from the food you eat, like vitamins and minerals, and send them where they need to go. A healthy gut keeps your metabolism running smoothly, which leads your body to burn calories more efficiently. Plus, having a healthy gut can help control cravings, keeping you fuller for longer and helping you avoid overeating! Take a look at our blog on how gut health aids weight loss where we recommend foods and good habits to get into for a happy, healthy gut.
There you have it! A happy, healthy gut leads to a happy, healthy you! Your gut health is extremely important for your physical health and emotional wellbeing. So, prioritise your second brain through a balanced diet, adequate hydration and quality sleep to feel your best self.