Carol Ann and her hubby have lost a combined total of 54kg!

My name is Carol Ann and I'm 56 years old. I have lost 31.5 kgs. and my Hubby has lost 22.5 kgs. We are ”˜grey nomads' and live most of our time on the road in our caravan.

I have always been a big girl - even as a kid. I've tried almost every weight loss program known to mankind over the years - some successfully and some not. Unfortunately, I would gain back every kilo plus after I stopped the program. Last year both my health and my husbands' health deteriorated and that's when we said ”˜that's it! This weight has to go'. My husband had heard about The Man Shake program so at the beginning of Sep 2019 we started the journey together. Since then we have lost a combined total of 54kg! The best part of doing it together is that we could support each other. When one of us was not motivated the other could pick it up. We both are learning how to eat healthier.

The biggest difference I have found since losing the weight is I no longer feel tired all the time and my breathing is so much better. I couldn't walk more than a kilometre before I would be gasping for air and get light-headed. Now I'm pounding out the kilometres! My knees and hips don't hurt as much either.
I have recommended The Lady Shakes to a lot of my friends because they are delicious and low in sugar. They keep you full for a long time. The best part of the program though is the healthy outlook on food. This is where my biggest change has occurred. Food is not ”˜good' or ”˜bad' but just taken as part of an overall healthy approach to eating. We still eat everything we did before but just within moderation. I quite often say ”˜if I can do it anyone can!' I still have quite a bit of weight to lose but with the Lady Shakes as well as the Lady Shake support I know I can do it.