Chrissy Lost 29kg & 4 Years Later It's Still Gone!

Then and now.
Before and after.
Beginning and end?
Hi everyone, I’m Chrissy and this is how I lost 27kgs and they are NOT coming back!
Food has always been a weakness, passion, and hobby of mine. I love to cook and enjoy great food—perhaps a little too much.
I have always tried to be active, but ignorantly thought I could still eat whatever I wanted.
My husband and I had booked a QLD holiday with my parents, my sister and her family and I couldn't bear the thought of how I would look. How would I look in photos? What if I can’t fit on the rides at the theme park with my nieces and nephew?
Since starting The Lady Shake, I have become more aware of what I eat when eating out, I'm not afraid to ask if I can modify meals to suit my needs, I am WAY more active, and have lots of energy. I’ve also come to enjoy a clothes shopping here and there 😉
My mindset towards food has changed. I look at food as fuel and no longer as an indulgence, while still enjoying what I used to eat but now in moderation and as a treat.
The Lady Shakes have really helped with my new frame of mind.
Aside from being delicious (my favourite is Chocolate, for sure!), they help my morning.
They can be crazy! But now that I have swapped breakfast for the shakes, I have no need to rush. I can easily throw on my bag, grab my Shakes, and I’m out the door!
I’ve learned that your mental health has a massive impact on your motivation levels.
I had to BELIEVE I was WORTHY ENOUGH to CHANGE my life for the BETTER… and I did.
I am very lucky to have an amazingly supportive husband and family who are proud of me.
Along with all the amazing women at The Lady Club. It’s an amazing and safe place where we all help each other along our journeys.
If I can do it, you can do it!
Just start. Don't wait until Monday. Don't eat all the snacks to get rid of them. JUST START and you'll wish you started earlier.
Also, this is derived from one of my favourite quotes: Being big is hard, diet and exercise are hard, choose your hard.
But that is only half of the story.
A weight loss journey doesn’t just end here.
After 19 months I hit my “goal weight”.
99kgs to 70kgs.
29kgs gone.
It just so happened my milestone lined up with my braces coming off. I was READY to have a few foods that I was avoiding during my combined weight loss and braces journey.
So, I decided this would be the time to start my maintenance phase.
For close to two years I had been on a daily two shakes, two snacks, and a healthy dinner.
It was a scary thought but I had gained enough knowledge and trust within myself to make the change.
I decided to drop down to one shake a day because, let’s be real, I would never cut them out completely. The Lady Shake is too convenient! I am not giving up my extra ten minute sleep in to make breakfast. I’ll have my breakfast on the commute, thank you!
It is still hard though.
I have to work hard every day to make the right choices with my snacks and meals. I need to make sure I keep the balance between what I need for fuel and enjoying life. I still love my pizza and gelato treats now and then.
But, really, all I am doing is replacing one shake with a balanced meal that I am already doing for my other meal.
Also, I still walk a lot and keep up with weight training at least three times a week.
Weight loss begins in the kitchen, but I’m also a huge advocate for weight training for women.
By combining what I learned during my weight loss and being consistent with my workouts is helping me in my maintenance phase. It has nicely become second nature and a brand-new habit for me, and it was all formed knowing that I was making a CHANGE FOR LIFE and not just to lose the weight by falling back into old habits.
Apply the knowledge, make the change, and live your best life!
I am, and you should join us😊