Claire is 26kg lighter and more energetic!

I have been on a rollercoaster with my weight ever since being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease 14 years ago. My activity levels plummeted after my diagnosis and I became dependant on food to increase my energy levels as I was often fatigued – particularly at the end of a busy day. Unfortunately, the foods I chose were all the wrong ones! This of course led to a lot of weight gain and never actually ‘fixed’ my energy issues - only masked them temporarily. I did lose weight over the years – often by not eating enough, only to gain it all (plus some) back again.

At age 43 and at a weight of 89.9 kilos (my heaviest weight ever) I was finally compelled to change things for the better – for good. My knees had had enough! I didn’t feel well and I didn’t like the way I looked or moved. I also knew I needed to try a different approach.
After a couple of months of procrastination, I finally made the decision to start my journey with TLS in July last year. I had done my research into meal replacements online and landed on TLS after reading testimonials and comparing various meal replacement products – I particularly liked that TLS had a low sugar content.
Within a week of starting the shakes, I was convinced I had made the right decision. Not only did I enjoy the shakes, I felt SO much better, I wasn’t as tired – my energy levels improved drastically and I was losing weight. The shakes fit so well into my daily routine and have been so convenient and portable! I chose to have my shakes for breakfast and lunch so I could still enjoy a meal with the family in the evening. My favourite flavours are chocolate and choc mint!

Today, I am 26.2kg lighter and now weigh 62.8kgs after 7 ½ months on TLS. The weight loss has enabled me to start walking again with less pressure on my joints and the inflammation has settled to a level that I am no longer in pain every day. I have passed my goal weight of 65kgs and am now settling into maintaining my weight following TLS maintenance plan. This may be my biggest commitment yet but I am determined to succeed. If anyone is contemplating trying TLS – go for it! If you are committed to making a change, following TLS plan absolutely works!