The Lady Shake
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Low-Carb Cheese & Tomato Toastie



ServesPrep. Time
110 mins

Who doesn’t love a cheese toastie? We’ve taken a healthy spin on the classic cheese and tomato toastie that will satisfy you and keep your weight loss journey on track. Perfect if you’re running short for time or on a low-carb diet, and it’s one the kids will enjoy!


  • 2 slices of low-carb wholemeal bread
  • 2 slices of light cheese
  • 10g of olive oil spread
  • 2 slices of tomato
  • 10g Italian herbs


  1. Place a frying pan over medium heat.
  2. Cut 2 slices of tomato. Sprinkle with Italian herbs.
  3. Thinly spread olive oil spread on each slice of bread.
  4. Layer one slice of cheese on each slice of bread. Follow with tomato and place sandwich together. 
  5. Thinly spread olive oil spread on the outer surface and transfer to pan.
  6. Grill for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until bread is golden brown and cheese is visibly melted.
  7. Remove from pan and allow to cool for one minute. Cut sandwich diagonally for serving.