Enjoy Your Cruise And Keep Up Your Progress With These Tips
•Food - general

When we’re travelling, we tend to treat ourselves to tasty food and drinks. They’re available in abundance, so it’s easy to go overboard. Long cruises in particular can be a real weight loss derailer because you're surrounded by temptation at all times! There’s food everywhere and everyone around you seems to be treating themselves, so it’s very easy to slip up. However, it’s not impossible to keep up with your weight loss progress while you’re cruising!
Stay Active
One thing on a cruise that will work in your favour is the presence of a gym! Most cruise liners have their very own fitness centre equipped with exercise machines such as treadmills, elliptical machines and stationary bikes. Take advantage of the facilities and try to get moving every day. You can also take a walk around the deck for some exercise with a view!
Mindful Drinking
We all tend to drink alcohol more on a holiday, especially on a relaxing trip like a cruise, but the empty calories can hinder your hard work! Opt for low-calorie beverages. There is a range of tasty sugar-free alcoholic drinks around, you can check out some of our recommendations here.
Dine Wisely
You are certainly spoilt for choice in terms of what kind of cuisine you’re after on a cruise! The all-you-can-eat buffet is enough to entice anyone but it’s one of the easiest ways to overeat. Try to stick to the main dining room where the portions are fixed. Try to choose meals that align with your current diet plan and avoid the nibbles!
Remember To Enjoy Yourself
Your waistline isn’t going to take notice of a cheat meal here and there! You’re on holiday, have some fun and indulge on occasion, but don’t let two weeks of cruising become two weeks of progress lost.