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How to lose weight and enjoy easter!

Food - general


EASTER and chocolate are not generally spoken about in terms of weight loss. For most of us, all diet rules fall by the wayside at this time of year as we readily overindulge in all Easter has to offer.

Imagine though if I told you that you can, in fact, have your Easter chocolate and still lose weight. Sound too good to be true?

Well, read on.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not an occasional chocolate Easter egg or hot cross bun that generates weight gain over a short period of time. Rather it is the binge eating excessive amounts of chocolate, mega-sized choc chip Easter buns with lashings of butter and extra celebratory foods that we overeat just because it is Easter.

So if your goal is to maintain your weight loss program over the Easter holiday period, all you need to do is control your calorie intake and enjoy a controlled portion of chocolate as part of your regular daily calorie intake. Or to make it even easier, follow these simple steps.

1) Enjoy a protein-rich breakfast

A high protein breakfast will help to control your appetite, leaving you less hungry throughout the day and controlling your calorie intake. A low-calorie option such as The Man Shake will free up calories for chocolate later in the day while ensuring you still get a solid protein hit.

Other breakfast combos that fit this description include an omelet packed with vegetables, greek yoghurt with berries, or some eggs on wholegrain toast. You can still enjoy a hot cross bun and a coffee, but remember they can add up quickly with what you choose to put on them.

2) Skip the snacks

Holidays mean that there is likely to be food everywhere. Chocolate, hot cross buns, little nibblies while catching up with family, you can easily fall into the trap of frequent snacking. These snacks add up though, and can often derail your weight loss. Skip the snacks and fill up at mealtimes, leaving you fuller for longer.

3) Plan ahead

Plan ahead for your meals across the Easter break. If you know you are having a big dinner or lunch one day, choose a lighter option for other meals across the day. Salads and wraps are great options and you can add in some fish, chicken or meat to bump up the protein. Check out some of the recipe's on The Man Shake page for ideas.

4) Get Active

A break from work means a chance to relax, take a break and refresh. It's also a chance to take some time and get active. You don't have to slug away in the gym or do hill runs for hours on end, but getting out with friends or family for a walk or activity is a fun and social way to get moving.

The added benefit to getting active over the holiday break is working off the extra calories from the Easter chocolate.

5) Keep the chocolate controlled

Chocolate throughout Easter is a given, let's be real. Making healthy options across the day free's your diet up for a well-deserved chocolate treat. Remember everything in moderation, so enjoy yourself but remember to control your portions to keep your weight loss goals on track.