How Gut Health Aids Weight Loss

The gut is a major gateway to the rest of the body and it is vital for keeping other body systems functioning optimally.
At least 50% of Australian adults experience unpleasant gut symptoms such as bloating, gas and constipation, and 1 in 7 experience distressing symptoms. People who are overweight are even more likely to experience poor gut health.
You may have heard of a microbiome before, but what is it? It's the combination of all the bacteria, viruses and fungi in your body, and while some bacteria may negatively impact your health, others are incredibly essential for your immune system and heart.
It is essential to look after your gut as it helps maintain a good digestive system. So with this in mind here are some tips on having a healthy gut.
Up The Veggies But Watch The Fruit
Vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals and fibre which are perfect for keeping your gut healthy and supporting your body's immune system to run more efficiently. Just remember 5-plus a day.
For weight loss, we recommend only one or two pieces of fruit a day. Fruit is very high in sugar and even though it's natural, it needs to be kept to a minimum!
Take In The Sun
Vitamin D plays a vital role in the communication between your body and your microbiome. Some great Vitamin D sources include dairy products, fish and mushrooms. Sunlight is the most significant source of vitamin D, so kick back for 20 minutes a day and enjoy the rays.
Take A Pre And Probiotic
Yogurt is a great and easily sourced natural probiotic, but you can also take a probiotic supplement to help keep your stomach in balance. Probiotics help keep the gut-friendly bacteria alive and healthy.
Prebiotics help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Some of the natural sources of prebiotics are garlic, onion, asparagus and leeks. They support the gut and absorb magnesium, Vitamin D and calcium.
Let Us Help
The Lady Shake is an excellent source of fibre, Pre and Probiotics, Vitamin D and other vitamins, minerals and health benefits, so it's a great easy option! The Lady Shake in conjunction with a good diet supporting gut health will help you feel better from the inside out and help you lose weight.