How To Easily Boost Your Step Count

Walking offers numerous health benefits and it’s strongly recommended we get about 10,000 steps per day! While that may sound like a lot, and depending on your lifestyle could be quite difficult to achieve, there are ways you can sneak extra steps in if you’re looking to boost your count.
Park Farther Away
Most of us opt to park as close to our destination as possible, which is fair enough! But if you want to get your steps in, parking your car just that extra bit further away can help you achieve it with minimal effort.
If you’re forced into a carpark, park towards the back or wherever is furthest away from the place you’re going to.
Take The Stairs
Always choose the stairs over the lift! Climbing stairs is a great way to get your blood pumping and add extra steps you’d miss out on had you taken the lift.
Most shopping centres have escalators, but that doesn’t mean you should let it do all the work for you! Walk up the escalator to maximise your step count.
Walk & Talk
Instead of sitting down while talking on the phone, use this time to walk around. Even if you know it’s going to be a short phone call, you can add a couple of hundred extra steps by pacing around.
Put on your favourite music and go to town! Dance around the house like no one is watching. Dancing is a fun an effective way of boosting your step count, and it’s a great form of physical activity.
Join Challenges
Participate in step challenges with friends, family, or co-workers. Set goals for yourself and engage in some friendly competition. Competing with others can provide accountability and motivation to further increase your step count.
You don’t have to run a marathon to get your steps in, it’s as simple as going a bit further out of your way to move. You could also start your own walking group or if you want to be more mindful of how many steps your getting in a day, check out our recommendations for the best fit techs to hold you accountable!