How To Keep Moving: Finding Motivation In The Cooler Seasons

As the weather cools down it can be hard enough to get out of bed, let alone bring yourself to exercise. Not only is it cooler, the days are shorter and there’s less sunlight. These factors take a toll on motivation and can increase feelings of fatigue. Outdoor activities don’t seem as enticing, which can make it harder to maintain a consistent exercise routine.
Workout With A Buddy
One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated to work out during the cooler months is to exercise with a mate! Having someone else relying on you adds motivation. Friends can provide you with social support, keeping you encouraged to stay on track.
Exercise Indoors
Exercising indoors is a convenient and more comfortable way to get moving during the colder months. If you don’t have a gym membership there are plenty of at-home workouts you can do, even if you don’t have any equipment. You can try things like lunges, squats, and push-ups.
If you’re interested in purchasing some exercise gear, take a look at our pre-purchase checklist.
Establish A Routine
Having a consistent workout routine will keep you from becoming overwhelmed. You’ll find some comfort in going to bed knowing exactly what you’ll be working on the next day. Aim to switch it up depending on the day because too much repetition can be boring and might zap your motivation, but plan ahead regardless.
Set Rewards
Reward yourself when you reach a milestone. Rewards can act as a motivation booster, which you’ll need on those freezing days. It can be as simple as booking a spa day for yourself, indulging in a cheat meal or setting aside some extra time to catch up with friends and family.
Most people seem to have a harder time staying motivated during the colder months, so you’re not alone! Just make sure to focus on your goals and establish a routine you know you can handle.