Keep Your Progress Hopping This Easter With These Healthy Tips
•Food - general

The Easter Long Weekend is approaching and although you’ve got four days of freedom, don’t let it be four days of progress lost!
Easter is a great time to celebrate with family, rest and recharge. It’s also a time to indulge in chocolate relatively guilt-free, but if you’re on a health journey, eating a lot of calorie-dense foods could turn that around.
Fear not! We've got a few tips to keep your health journey on track over the holiday.
Eating chocolate is a rite of passage during Easter, and dark chocolate is what you want to be eating. It’s lower in calories than milk chocolate and it provides your body with antioxidants that the other chocolates don’t. Dark chocolate easter eggs and bunnies are readily available at most supermarkets, so you won’t have to go out of your way to find the healthier option.
Limit the nibbles! Aside from the typical grand meal you find yourself in front of on Easter Sunday, watch what you’re snacking on beforehand. Skip the carb-heavy starters such as bread rolls to lower your energy intake and keep room for the main event!
Slow down on the hot cross buns. Unfortunately the seasonal delights are not good for the waistline as they are carb-heavy and full of sugar. Stick to one and your tummy probably won’t notice though.
Get moving! You already know you’re going to have a stacked plate on Easter Sunday, so move more over the weekend to counterbalance it. You don’t have to do an intense workout, just go for a walk or get the family down to the park.
Go easy on yourself, it’s still a holiday and you’re entitled to the luxury of indulging. Just be cautious of the quantity of food you’re consuming and sneak in a walk where you can.