The Lady Shake
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Suzanne dropped from a Size 20 to a Size 14 with The Lady Shake


I started The Lady Shake in February 2023. I knew I had put on a lot of weight over the last few years but as I never weighed myself, I was in denial of how much. There were two things that really kickstarted it for me. The first was a trip to Europe over Christmas, I hated being in photos and I have very few of me in so many wonderful places. The second was while in a video meeting at work only a few weeks after getting back from my holiday, someone took a screenshot and all I could think of was that I had no chin. I weighed myself the next day.

I have always fluctuated with my weight, but I have never been so big. The scales showed 109.8kg! I was buying size 20 clothes and I felt gross and frumpy. I purchased The Lady Shake that day. My order arrived and I started straight away, it took a little to get used to the shakes, but I was fanatic about following the plan. I knew that my old ways of eating would not work. I couldn’t rationalise that it was just a slice or just 1 cookie. I had to get past wanting to snack all day otherwise it definitely wouldn’t work. I was ready to change.

I started off by replacing breakfast and lunch with the shakes but after the first 2 weeks, I replaced dinner instead of lunch because it worked better for me. Within the first week, I lost about 3kg and then I averaged about 1 kg-1.5 kg most weeks. Some weeks I lost nothing, others I only lost 0.4kg, or 2kg. It was important to just keep going.

I get up early to walk my dogs for 30-40 minutes every day. Apart from garden work on the weekends that’s the only exercise I do. For breakfast, I have a shake with 400ml water and Chocolate Super Greens with 1 tbsp psyllium husk powder. Lunch is usually a chicken salad or sometimes a wrap or sandwich. Dinner is another shake with 400ml water. I also have 2-3 light snacks throughout the day, they can be The Lady Bar, carrots and dip, fruit or cheese and crackers. I also drink 2-3 litres of water every day, although I had to work up to this.

I have lost over 30kg in 29 weeks and dropped from a size 20 to a size 12-14, I now have a chin again. While I still have a little to lose, I’m keeping on the program it’s working. I buy the Buy 3 Get 1 Free bundle pack which lasts me a whole month. I really enjoy the Chocolate, Banana, Caramel, Choc Mint and Choc Honeycomb. I like to mix the Chocolate with non-chocolate flavours to mix it up. I don’t add anything else apart from psyllium husk powder and Chocolate Super Greens to my shakes.

The initial few weeks were challenging with thinking about food and even now I get the odd savoury craving. I was super strict to begin with, but I haven’t denied myself when it comes to special events. Mother's Day, a family trip away, even travelling for work intensively for 6 weeks staying in hotels - I treated myself occasionally. I did hit a plateau when I hit about 82kg which lasted 4 weeks but I kept at it.

I haven’t felt this great in a long time. I get compliments from people all the time now. I have had multiple friends and family start The Lady Shake after seeing my progress. I am loving buying new clothes now that even my “I’ll fit into that again someday” clothes are too big. I have even been able to start adding some light jogging into my morning dog walks which they love too. 

My advice to all new Lady Shakers is not to give up, a bad diet day isn’t the end of the world. You don’t have to “restart” the next day as you haven’t lost all the progress you have made. You’re on a journey, pit stops are allowed.