Desserts Recipes
You don’t have to miss out on dessert with our lower calorie and high protein dessert options! From cheesecake to chocolate mousse, our delicious and easy to make dessert recipes will have you wanting seconds.

Passionfruit Mug Cake

Passionfruit Protein Slice

No Bake S’more Dessert with The Lady Shake Mousse

Trick-or-Treat Pumpkin Cake

Lemon Cheesecake Bars

Mocha Weet-Bix Slice

Blueberry Yoghurt Clusters

Lady Shake Pancakes

Super Greens Chocolate Pudding

Banana Pancakes

High protein, low carb Cheesecake

Protein Packed Donuts

One Minute Lady Shake Mug Cake

Banana Choc Chip Cookies

Protein Packed Brownies

Chocolate Lady Shake Mousse