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Handling Period Cravings The Smart Way

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Ladies, let’s talk about something we’ve all faced at one time or another: those relentless period cravings. You know, that overwhelming desire for chocolate, chips, and everything in between that seems to strike without warning. 

Well, you’re not alone, and more importantly, there’s no need to feel guilty about it. Period cravings are a natural part of our cycle, and there are smart, healthy ways to handle them. So, let’s dive in and discover how to manage these cravings without derailing our health or weight loss goals.

Why Do We Get Cravings Before Periods?

First up, why do we get these cravings before periods? Science points to the rollercoaster of hormones which fluctuate throughout our menstrual cycle.

The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (which occurs in the last two weeks before your period starts) sees a particularly significant shift in hormones like oestrogen and progesterone. These hormonal fluctuations are notorious for sparking our desire for high-carb and sweet foods.

It’s not just about hormones, though; our emotions play a part too. Feeling a bit down pre-period? That’s where serotonin comes in. Eating carbs and sweets boosts this feel-good hormone, offering a temporary mood lift.

Cravings can kick in as early as seven to 10 days before your period begins, often coinciding with other (not-so) delightful PMS symptoms. While it might feel like your body is conspiring against you, these cravings are its way of telling you it needs more calories during this time. 

What Are The Most Common Period Cravings?

It's safe to say that when it comes to period cravings, sweets and carbs top the list. This is largely because the body is seeking additional energy to support the process of replenishing the uterine lining and removing toxins that have built up over the cycle. As a result, craving sugar before the period is quite common (hello, unstoppable desire for chocolate!), reflecting the body's effort to obtain a quick energy boost. Craving these foods during your period is fairly common as well.

Beyond sweets and carbs, salty foods are another common period craving. This is due to hormonal fluctuations that put extra demands on the adrenal glands, which then require more minerals, including salt, to function properly and maintain hormonal balance. 


Embracing Healthy Swaps For Carbohydrate Cravings

When the urge for carbs hits, steering towards complex carbohydrates can make all the difference in how you feel and function.

Complex Carbs: A Smarter Choice

Instead of succumbing to the immediate gratification of simple carbs found in white bread or pasta, choosing options like beans, lentils, brown rice, or oats can satisfy your cravings in a healthier manner. These complex carbohydrates are packed with fibre, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a steady blood sugar level, keeping you full and energised for a longer period. Not only will these choices fulfil your craving, but they'll also support your overall health and well-being.

Complex Carb Ideas

  • Quinoa Salad: Rich in protein and fibre, quinoa is a fantastic base for a nutritious salad. Add your favourite veggies, a squeeze of lemon, and a dash of olive oil for a satisfying meal.
  • Chickpea Snacks: Roasted chickpeas can be seasoned in various ways, making a crunchy, protein-rich snack that satisfies your carb cravings with fewer calories.


Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth Healthily

It's natural to have sugar cravings, especially during times of stress or hormonal changes. However, reaching for processed sweets can lead to a rapid spike and fall in blood sugar, leaving you feeling tired and unsatisfied.

Delicious Sweet Swap Ideas

  • Berry & Yoghurt Parfait: Layer Greek yoghurt with fresh berries and a sprinkle of granola for a delicious treat that satisfies your sweet tooth while providing protein and fibre.
  • Homemade Fruit Smoothies: Opt for natural sugars found in fruits, which come with the added benefits of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Blend your favourite fruits with a scoop of protein powder or Greek yoghurt for a creamy, dreamy smoothie. Add a handful of spinach for an extra nutrient boost.


How To Stop Period Cravings Through Exercise And Activities

For anyone wondering how to stop period cravings, don’t underestimate the power of physical activity. Exercise releases endorphins, serotonin, and other happy hormones, improving mood and reducing the urge to indulge in comfort foods. Whether it’s gentle exercise like a brisk walk, or a heart-pumping run or dance session, moving your body can be incredibly beneficial.

Using The Lady Shake To Handle Period Food Cravings

Now, let’s talk about a game-changer for managing period cravings, especially those for something sweet: The Lady Shake. It’s a delicious, healthy meal replacement shake designed specifically for women. Low in Sugar and high in protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, it's the perfect solution to keep you full, satisfied, and on track with your weight loss journey.

The Lady Shake comes in a variety of flavours, like chocolate and caramel, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. 

It’s like having your cake (or shake) and eating it too! You can satisfy that sweet craving while nourishing your body with everything it needs to feel and look great, both inside and out. And if you're on the go, why not try our healthy snacks too? They're perfect to keep in your handbag for a rainy day!


The Support You Deserve

The Lady Shake is so much more than a meal replacement – it's a lifestyle companion for the modern woman. It slots into your busy life, offering a simple, delectable, and nutritious way to support your health and weight loss ambitions. 

Whether you're juggling family life, powering through your career, or focusing on your overall well-being, The Lady Shake and our community support group, The Lady Club, is here for you. Welcome to a world where dealing with cravings doesn't mean compromising on taste or your health goals – The Lady Shake family has got your back.

Be Kind To Yourself

It’s essential to approach period food cravings with a sense of empathy towards yourself. Cravings are a normal part of the menstrual cycle, and it’s okay to indulge in moderation. The key is to make smarter choices that won’t leave you feeling guilty or derail your health goals. Remember, being kind to your body and understanding its needs during this time is paramount.


Make The Change Today

Handling period cravings doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. With the right strategies, healthy swaps, and the help of The Lady Shake, you can navigate this part of your cycle smartly and healthily. So, the next time those cravings hit, remember that you’re equipped with the knowledge and tools to manage them effectively. 

Here’s to feeling empowered, satisfied, and in control — even during the most craving-intense times of the month!